Hey, I'm Tania!
I'm a software engineer, open-source creator, and former professional chef. I've been making websites since 1998 and writing on this blog for the past decade.
I enjoy weight-lifting, reading sci-fi and fantasy, playing retro video games, and spending time with my partner and friends.
On this site, you can check out all the articles I've written, read some of my notes, or learn more about me .
Guides, references, and tutorials.
Personal notes about life, music, projects, and everything else.
Long-form tutorials on a variety of development topics.
An Introduction to GraphQL
How to Structure and Organize a React Application
How to Set Up webpack 5 From Scratch
The Event Loop, Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await in JavaScript
How to Use Redux and React
How to Set up a Mac for Development
A Complete Guide to CSS Concepts and Fundamentals
How to Use Vue, the JavaScript Framework
Everything I Know as a Software Developer Without a Degree (2019)
How to Use React, the JavaScript Framework
Design for Developers: Specific Steps to Improve Your Website Design
How to Use the Command Line in Linux and macOS
Open-source projects I've worked on over the years.