Display Build Status and Test Coverage Badges for a JavaScript Project

Recently, I wrote a lot of tests for a project I've been working on, and after all that work I wanted to put some nice badges on my repo.

I have one badge displaying that my build has passed (hopefully), and another displaying my code coverage percent.


I'll use my account (taniarascia) and my project's repo (chip8) as examples for the name. I'm assuming you're using GitHub, but it also applied to GitLab or BitBucket.


  • Set up Jest on your project and install Coveralls
  • Create a Travis CI account (integrated with GitHub), enable repo
  • Create a Coveralls account (integrated with GitHub), enable repo
  • Create a travis.yml and coveralls.yml
  • Push and deploy code

Step 1 - Set up Jest and Coveralls

This tutorial assumes you already have basic familiarity with setting up Jest to test your JavaScript code, and have some tests written already. If not, it's as simple as installing Jest locally into your dev dependencies, and running the jest command. We're also going to install Coveralls, which we'll use to host the coverage report.

npm i --save-dev jest coveralls
==> jest
 PASS  tests/instructions.test.js
 PASS  tests/cpu.test.js

Test Suites: 2 passed, 2 total
Tests:       97 passed, 97 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        2.867s, estimated 3s
Ran all test suites.

Step 2 - Create a Travis CI account

Travis CI is a CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous development) tool. It will run your code every time you push to GitHub and determine if the build passed or not, among other tasks. Go to travis-ci.org and create an account. Integrate it with your existing GitHub account. Find the repo you want to display build status for and toggle it on.

enable travis

The page-specific URL should be https://travis-ci.org/taniarascia/chip8.

Step 2 - Create a Coveralls account

Coveralls is a service to help you track coverage. Go to coveralls.io, create an account and integrate with your GitHub account, and enable Coveralls on the repo of your choice.

enable coveralls

The page-specific URL should be https://coveralls.io/github/taniarascia/chip8.

Step 3 - Create scripts

Create a script called coveralls in your package.json. This will generate the coverage via Jest then deploy to Coveralls.

"scripts": {
  "test": "jest",
  "coveralls": "jest --coverage && cat ./coverage/lcov.info | coveralls"

Configure Jest coverage (optional)

Jest will automatically configure something decent with no config, but if you want to specifically include or exclude some files from coverage, you can do it by adding this config to package.json.

"jest": {
  "collectCoverageFrom": [

Step 4 - Create config

Now you'll have to create a .travis.yml to set up your Travis configuration, and a .coveralls.yml to set your Coveralls token.

Here's what my travis.yml looks like: I'm setting the language, the version of node, and telling it which additional script to run.

language: node_js
  - '11'
  - npm run coveralls

The coveralls.yml file will simply consist of the token they provide you when you create the account and assign the repo.

repo_token: YOUR_TOKEN_HERE

Step 4 - Deploy code and display badges

It does seem like a lot of work just to get some badges up, but it's nice to always know the status and coverage of your project. Here's the code for both of the badges. Both Travis and Coveralls will supply embed links for these.

Travis CI Build Badge
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/<your-account>/<your-repo>.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/taniarascia/chip8)
Code Coverage Badge
[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/<your-account>/<your-repo>/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/taniarascia/chip8?branch=master)

Now once you push your code to GitHub with the config files and README badges, it should send the build off to Travis, and Travis should send the coverage off to Coveralls.


That's all! If all went according to plan, you should have a passing build, code coverage, and some functional badges.
